Thursday, March 6, 2014

Chapter 1: The Two Vigilantes

“Now, the mento in the coke bottle,”Allan Driscoll said, rubbing his hands together like a crazy scientist.
“Hey, Allan! Stop dreaming and help me with these bottles,”Allan’s best bud, Peter Starr said.
“Okay, okay, you don’t have to yell.”
Allan and Peter uncapped seven coke bottles for seven kids in the bathroom smoking. 
“Do you think this will teach them a lesson?” Allan asked. 
“I hope so. As long as they don’t drop their cigarettes on something flammable,” Peter said.
They collected their bottles and walked towards the guy’s bathroom, smoke visibly waftig from the door vent. 
“Ugh, that smells horrible,”Allan commented but shushed quickly by Peter.
They waited for a minute outside the door, not making any nose to raise suspicion to the teachers because it is only fifth period in Brookside Middle.
“Okay . . . now,”Peter commanded and started plopping mentos into the bottles, screwed it tight, and shook it. 
Allan creaked the door open, while handing Peter the loaded coke bottles. Then Peter threw it into the bathroom as hard as he could towards the sinks, causing the bottle to explode foaming coke everywhere. 
Shrieks and screams came from the stalls while Peter threw the remaining five bottles.
“OH NO!” Peter and Allan heard someone say from the stalls and they saw an orange light illuminating the ceiling. 
“Idiots, time to book it,”Peter whispered harshly.
Allan and Peter sprinted out of the middle premises and into a nearby yard of a unknown house. They could hear the fire alarm blaring and frightened screams of middle schoolers.
But they could make out one scream that belonged to the principle: “Allan! Peter!”
I extinguished the last of the fire with the teachers after the big scream-fest at my school.
Who knew cigarettes can lit an entire trash can.
“Thank you so much Elysie for stepping in,”said the janitor.
“No problem,”I replied. 
I noticed at the side of my eye, seven popped coke bottles with some foam spilling out. I bent down and picked up a bottle.
“Coke and  . . . mentos. That’s what scared them,”I muttered.
As I was muttering, the principal came up behind me and said,”Well done, Elysie.”
“Who would throw coke bottles in the bathroom? They must have known these kids were smoking and used these bottles as a disturbance to get them caught.”
“Yes, I know exactly who those two ‘vigilantes’ are.”
With that word, he marched out.
Who are those ‘two vigilantes’?