Monday, July 14, 2014

Chapter 26: Those Eyes

Peter could feel a fresh ocean breeze when the whiteness faded.
As he opened his eyes, he saw that they were standing in a forest area overlooking the busy village of Berk.
“Wait . . . is this the same Berk?” Peter asked.
“Yes, but a long time ago,” Mr.Haddock replied solemnly. 
Peter looked out once more and he could see dragons and Vikings everywhere. 
“It’s  . . . amazing,”Peter whispered.
“I wish I could go down there and ride a dragon,” Allan said. 
As he was talking, he leaned on a tree filled with Terrible Terrors. Soon they swarmed the group and erupted loudly into the sky.
Allan screamed in shock but Peter covered his mouth quickly.
“We must get to the wormhole now before they . . .,” Mr.Haddock started but a screeching noise filled the air, frightening the entire group. Well, except Asia and Paul who were looking the sky feverishly. 
“Run!” Mr.Haddock whispered harshly. 
The group followed him into the woods that revealed a road to the peak. Before they could reach the hidden bikes, they were cut off by a plasma blast. That was when they scattered into the bushes. 
Peter could hear a loud thud right next to his bush. He looked over to see that Paul was with him but strangely calm in this situation. 
“I was sure someone was here,”said the sound of a uncertain boy. 
The voice was followed by a low grumble. 
Peter tentatively looked through the bush and saw the boy and the dragon from Asia’s book. 
Hiccup and Toothless, he thought. 
As much as he wanted to meet them, he couldn’t because they probably won’t let them get to the bridge without any suspicion. 
Allan sat with Mr.Haddock and Asia, who were looking over the deathly pale Elysie.
“We can’t stay like this for much longer. Elysie is getting worse,”Mr.Haddock mumbled. 
Allan looked over at Elysie’s pack on her back and eyed it for a while. Then he went over and unzipped it.
“What are you . . .?” Mr.Haddock asked before Allan said, “A gun.”
Then Mr.Haddock grabbed his wrist and said,”No, you are not shooting him.”
“What? I am going to shoot a sedative dart at them.”
Mr.Haddock nodded in understanding and released his wrist. 
Allan finally found what he was looking for and loaded the fun. 
He crouched near a bush and aimed it at the dragon’s leg.
Peter and Paul were sweating in desperation when Hiccup came close to their hiding spot. 
Then they heard a thud. 
Peter got out from the bush and saw the dragon unconscious at his feet. 
Then he looked up and saw Hiccup staring at him with green eyes that could look into your very soul.
“What? . . .  How? . . .  Who?” He started confusedly until a dart hit him in the shoulder. 
Hiccup groaned and starting falling to the ground but Peter caught him in time. 
How much lighter can this kid get? Peter thought. 
Paul quickly darted out of the bush and knelt next to Peter. 
“Is he dead?” Paul asks. 
Peter looked closely at Hiccup’s shoulder and saw a sedative dart.
“No, he’s going to okay,”Peter confirmed.
Soon enough, Allan, Asia, and Mr.Haddock emerged from the bushes. 
“Nice shots, Allan,”Peter said.
“Thanks. I really like shooting guns, a lot. Maybe I want to become a sniper and ditch the policeman job,”Allan said with a grin on his face. 
“Giving up your jelly donuts?” 
“Gross,”Asia commented.
“Hey, a donut is a policeman’s pride,”Allan defended.
“A fat policeman’s pride?” Paul teased.
“Shut up,”Allan said, pushing Paul aside.
“We leave now,” Mr.Haddock said, not looking phased by the whole ordeal. 
As they hopped on their bikes to take off, Peter stole a glance back at the boy.
Those eyes . . . I feel like this won’t be the last time I will have to confront them. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Chapter 25: The Bridge

“Peter?! Elysie?!” Chelsie yelled again and again in her earpiece. 
It has been a hour since the escape group last had contact with the base. 
“Something’s wrong,” she concluded.
The group was huddled around a fire in a cave on Dragon Island . 
Paul and Asia have stayed quiet while their dad, Chelsie, and Allan bantered back and forth, flustered from the current miscommunication. 
“Do you think the Others have them?” Chelsie asked.
“It’s possible,” Mr.Haddock replied. 
“What do we do now?” Paul asked. 
“I  . . . don’t really know,”Chelsie replied. 
“Should we go back?” Allan suggested.
Peter slowly opened his eyes as he felt himself coming back to consciousness. He groaned and gripped his head from the spinning nausea.
Ignore it. Got to get to Elysie, he thought.
He dragged himself to his feet and limped very slowly over to Elysie.
He collapsed next to her and felt for a pulse. There was one but her shallow breathing concerned him. He looked over at her neck, which was slightly discolored and bleeding. He grabbed his backpack and pulled out a gauze and wrapped it gently around her neck. 
How are we going to get out of here?, he thought.
Then he remembered the bridge. 
Maybe . .  if we can get to the bridge, we can transport ourselves back to America, Peter thought.
Then there be a rip in the space time continuum because you already exist in this time, Pan said.
Peter yelped in surprise when he heard Pan’s voice speak unexpectedly in his mind. 
“What do I do?”
Go to the bridge.
“But didn’t you say I can’t?”
You can’t go to this time, but the past.
“Why would I want to go back to the past?
Because Elysie is in pretty bad condition. Even if you take a jet, it probably be too late.
Peter thought this through.
Then he remembered the group. He limped over to the radio and turned it on.
“Chelsie, can you hear me?” Peter asked. 
There was a silence until a hopeful crackle sounded. 
“Peter! Are you okay?” Chelsie asked.
“Little beat up but Elysie needs help. Where are you guys?”
“On Dragon Island.”
“Can you ask Mr.Haddock if there is a nearby town with a hospital?”
There was distant chattering. 
“He said about an hour out by plane.”
“That’s too slow. We can’t risk her condition, who knows what the Skeleton did. Though Pan had a idea.”
“Pan? Wait, is he there?!”
“Not really . . . but I can hear him in my mind.”
“Woah, dude, that’s weird.”
“Anyway, can you meet me at the bridge?”
“Why the bridge?”
“Well, we can’t go to the present but we can go to the past. It will be quicker to get Elysie medical attention.”
“Um, where in the past?”
“I don’t know! Anywhere.”
“Okay, okay. Let me discuss this with the rest of the group.”
Peter played with his fingers nervously as the chattering went on for 3 minutes.
“What if I could heal her?”Peter asked to Pan. 
With starstuff?
You can try . . . but, I don’t know if you have that power. 
“Just, let me try.”
Peter concentrated all the starstuff he could think of in his hands but nothing happened. 
“But . . . I could do it before!” Peter said, frustratedly.
You’re too weak. It won’t come.
Peter banged his head in his hands.
Then he heard Chelsie say,”Peter, we have a suggestion.”
“What is it?” he asked.
“Mr.Haddock said we can go to the past, then immediately go back to the future. Kinda like a slingshot from which Allan described.”
“Sounds great. I can try anything right now.”
“See you at the bridge.”
Then Peter removed the headset and picked up Elysie. He was getting really worried since she hasn’t stirred yet. He tried to ignore the dizziness in his vision as he made his way to the door. That was not a priority right now. 
As he got outside, he tried to pinpoint the biggest heat wave. He could feel it a little lower down the hill so he headed towards it. Soon enough, he just came face to face with a rock wall.
“Well, now what?” Peter said, tiredly.
“I’ll tell you what. Why don’t you step aside?”Chelsie said from behind him. 
Peter jumped ten feet and said,”Chelsie! Thank God, you’re here!”
Then he saw the Haddock family and Allan trudging behind. 
Mr. Haddock took Elysie out of Peter’s weary arms and said,”Hold each other hands tight. This is not going to be the smoothest wormhole travel.”
Then he pulled out his locket and placed it in a slot in the rock. The slab of rock lifted and revealed darkness. 
“Step through this doorway together and soon enough, we will no longer be here,” Mr.Haddock directed. 
The group stepped through the doorway and all went white.