A calm lake with sparkles dancing on the surface. Green grass hills seem to extend to the ends of the earth like a soft blanket. The air is filled with a certain music, the soft tune of a pan pipe. Not just any tune of a pan pipe, but the one of the boy who never missed a tune of it.
His name, Peter Pan.
He sat peacefully on a high tree top looking over the lake as the sunset, dressed in his traditional green tunic and feathered hat.
His name, Peter Pan.
He sat peacefully on a high tree top looking over the lake as the sunset, dressed in his traditional green tunic and feathered hat.
He finished his tune as the sun completely set and the stars twinkled brightly in the sky.
A rustle in the branches nearby caught his attention.
“Thought you never came,”he said as he played with the pipe in his hands.
A little cricket dressed in gentlemen clothes, known as Jiminy Cricket, appeared out of the branches
“Sorry about that. I ran into some trouble with the mice, they should really respect the messenger,”Jiminy said with a huff.
“Aww don’t get yourself in a fuss. So, what did they say?”
“They told me not to tell you. It’s confidential. They even had a paper with the big red words stamped on it.”
Peter let out a long breathe and tipped his hat down as he lazily leaned back on the tree.
“I really miss Tink. She makes things a lot more interesting. I even miss her excessive talking. Why does she have to stay in Neverland?”
“I wish I could tell you, really I wish I could. Don’t worry though, you will see her again.”
Peter smiled, “I hope so.”
“But they did want me to tell you something else, something that might give your life another adventure,”Jiminy said.
“Really? What is it?”Peter asked, jumping from his slumber.
“Now, now, control yourself or I won’t tell.”
Peter slowly sat back down and looked bored.
“Good. So they said that the Others are planning another attack. This one might be serious. There is a big starstuff supply in a deserted island called Berk. No know even knew that there was starstuff there until the Others sensed it not too long ago.”
“How did they sense it?”
“They just kept an open mind and just felt it.”
“So, they want me to leave the Vault and stop the Others?”
Jiminy took off his hate and wrung it in his hands.
“Not exactly. Once you enter the vault, you are no longer human but a ghost.”
“Not exactly. Once you enter the vault, you are no longer human but a ghost.”
“So? Then the Others won’t find me since I am completely invisible to the world.”
“But they will. Peter, you know the Others are demons. They can even see ghosts and may capture you.”
“Hmm, you’re right about that. So, what am I going to do?”
“Well, they need you to posses someone’s body. The problem is, once you possess the body, you can’t leave it.”
“It’s just the way it is.”
“What would happen to the owner of the body?
There was a long silence.
“The owner would eventually die off and you are stuck in the body until death.”
“What? There has to be some other way.”
“There is no other way. It has to be done.”
Peter hesitated, “I won’t do it.”
“But you have to! You are the only one who know more about the Others then anyone else.”
“I just don’t want to be responsible for someone else’s death.”
Jiminy placed his little gloved hand on Peter’s pinkie.
“You don’t have to kill the owner. You can share the body.”
“You can?”
“It’s possible.”
Peter thought some more.
“Will I be able to fly and all that stuff?”
“That’s a big if. You don’t know how the person’s body is going to take it. Though it may be possible.”
“I hate it when you keep saying that ‘it may be possible’.”
“I’m just the messenger. So, are you willing to do it?”
Peter closed his eyes and thought on it for a while.
“I will do it,”he said.
“Great! I, Jiminy Cricket, has confirmed that Peter Pan accepted the mission!”Jiminy said, floating in the sky.
“Wait? What?”Peter asked confused.
Then blue sparks started surrounded him.
“By the Story Teller’s permission, I hereby release Peter Pan from the Vault. May you go well!”
Before Peter knew it, all went white.
It has all happened before, and it will all happen again.
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