Peter flew as fast as he could, not caring of how drained he felt. He made it to the bottom of the mountain before he falls from the sky from exhaustion.
Must keep going, he repeated to himself while he picked himself off the ground.
Hopping onto a snow bike with no hesitation, he sped up the peak. It wasn’t long until he felt something terribly wrong.
The shadows had a dark presence but this presence felt a lot stronger. He barged into the base and came face to face with a lone yellow eye.
“Ah!” Peter screamed while he scrambled away.
“We meet again, Peter,” said a raspy voice.
Peter could only stare at the horrible face, trying to figure out who he is. Then he remembered the dream that had the exact thing.
The Skeleton, he thought.
Then Peter got back up and looked at the Skeleton.
“I guess so,”Peter replied, trying to keep his nervousness concealed.
If a vacant hole can smile, Peter thought it did.
“Where’s Elysie?” he asked.
The Skeleton stepped aside and Peter saw Elysie sprawled out on the floor.
“Elysie!” Peter screamed and started running towards her.
The Skeleton cut Peter’s pursuit short as he brushed Peter’s neck. He collapsed to the ground, moaning in pain.
“Before I let you go, I want to know something. How are you still here?” the Skeleton asked.
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Peter spat back.
This time, the Skeleton picked Peter up by the neck and dangled him off the ground.
Peter could barely concentrate on anything when he felt like his entire body was going to explode from the pain.
“Tell me!” the Skeleton roared.
“Never!” Peter yelled back.
Then the Skeleton threw him across the room and he crashed into the security control panel. Peter could feel himself slipping away from the pain and exhaustion but he felt something inside of him that was forcing to keep his eyes open.
I need rest, Peter thought.
No, not yet, said another voice in his mind.
Then Peter felt his arm move towards his jacket pocket where the tip was hidden.
The Skeleton started walking over to Peter and said, “I will finish you off, right here, right now. I will avenge the King.”
Peter gained control of his mouth and struggled to say,”Please . . . stop . . .”
He inwardly whimpered because as much as this thing is evil, he doesn’t want to kill it. But the other person in his mind, Peter Pan, wants to see this thing gone forever.
“Please. I have no control over him. I am just a ordinary kid. Please, don’t,”Peter pleaded.
“Too bad. It’s Pan’s fault for letting you die,”the Skeleton rasped.
Then Peter heard someone roar in his mind and before he knew it, he drawn the tip and ran towards the Skeleton. The Skeleton stepped aside and brushed Peter’s neck. who crashed into the opposite wall. But he got back up to attack again until he saw the Skeleton holding Elysie by the neck, her face contorted in pain.
“Get any closer and the girl will die,” the Skeleton rasped.
Peter halted and stared at the Skeleton with boiling fury.
He could feel heat gathering up in his hands. Then he shot a burst of light at the Skeleton, which connected with the lone yellow eye. The Skeleton roared and clenched at Elysie’s neck, who unconsciously screamed in pain. But Peter punched the Skeleton away and grabbed Elysie. She fell limply to the ground, her face turning a sickly pale.
“No . . .,” Peter said as he ran to Elysie’s side but the Skeleton blocked his path.
“You attacked first. You must finish your fight,” it rasped.
Peter didn’t know what to do, even his other self was wavering.
“You sure about that?” Peter asked.
Then the Skeleton charged at him and slammed Peter into the monitors. Peter could feel the tip fall out of his grip and slide across the room.
I got to get the tip, he thought.
Peter lit his hands with starstuff and slammed them on the Skeleton’s chest. It roared and backed away in pain. Peter took this opportunity and ran towards the tip until he felt himself being shoved to the ground, a few feet away from the tip.
Despite the waves of blinding pain, Peter reached for the tip.
“Give it up,” the Skeleton rasped in his ear.
“Never,” Peter whimpered.
Then the pain became worse then before. Peter felt himself slipping away slightly, but he could feel the tip brushing his fingers right as blackness started entering his view. He used his last bit of strength and grabbed the it.
Before the Skeleton could react, Peter spun around and stabbed him in the heart.
The Skeleton roared in pain and dissolved into nothing.
Peter stared at him dissolve and felt the urge to vomit from the sight of it.
But Peter felt himself say,”It’s all happened before, and it will all happen again.”
Then all went black.
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