“On three,” Peter said, dangling by his legs on the roof of the school.
There were three boys who were currently running away from the school officials for selling drugs.
Peter’s plan: eat their dust, literally.
Right when they were a few feet from the tree, Allan let go of Peter’s leg and Peter flipped continuously towards the ground. His legs kicked the first two guys to the ground while Allan finished off the third. After their stunt, they immediately sprinted away, leaving the boys to the officials.
Peter rounded a alleyway near the school and took deep breathes to calm his frantic breathing.
“Dude, that was awesome,”Allan said breathlessly.
“Yea,”Peter replied.
Once they got their breathing back in control, they strolled casually into their schools, as usual, like the entire ambush never fazed them.
This part of their day is called action, it is very common in their schedule.
What comes next is very new.
“19 . . . 20!”Allan yelled in desperation after doing twenty pull ups on a bar over a foam pit.
This part of their day is called training.
Ever since they joined the JUSS, everything was training in knowledge and physical ability. Nothing exciting.
“When do we get to do the guns and stuff?”Peter asked, getting himself ready for his set of pull ups.
“That’s at the next level, which the test isn’t towards the end of this month.”
“Darn, training is so boring.”
After their long hours of training, they finally were able to leave the base.
When they neared the entrance, they saw the same three girls who recruited them a couple of days ago.
“Hey,”Allan said.
“Hey, can I talk to you two for a minute?”Elysie asked.
They nodded.
“So I saw your stunt today and I have come to a conclusion.”
Peter motioned her to continue.
“I talked with the JUSS and we have arranged an apollo to a remote island near Scotland. This mission is just securing bases and setting up security systems, no big danger involved. I have been given the permission to assign you two as temporary agents for this apollo.”
“This rarely happens so take this as a honorable privilege,”Chelsie said.
“Why us?”Peter asked.
“You shown capable abilities,”Melana replied.
“But when are you going to need it?”Allan asked.
“That can be explained further once you accept this apollo,”Elysie said.
Peter and Allan looked towards each other and shrugged.
“Sure, we’re in,”Peter replied.
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