“The camp is just up this road,”Allan said, constantly looking down at his GPS.
Being put as the tracker did make him a little antsy.
“This road looks pretty steep. How long?” he asked.
“A little over a mile. Mr.Haddock does mention that there is a . . . gas station?”Peter said, looking rather confused at the directions.
I looked over Peter’s shoulder and the gas station seemed to be a,”Garage. There is a garage that holds a automobile that can take us up the hill,”I concluded.
We walked to the base and saw the fault line. I ran my hand over the fault and felt a button. Of course, I pressed it. The rock lifted up like a regular garage would and inside were . . . “Snow bikes! Pretty fancy,”Chelsie said.
There seemed to be only three.
“I will get one snow bike. Melana, you share with Peter. Chelsie, you share with Allan,”I directed.
They nodded and ran off to their bikes.
Peter held onto Melana tightly as the bikes climbed higher and higher up the road. As they were barely at the center of the peak, the air became very frosty.
Just as the road turned off into the cave, a wave of heat hit Peter. He took a sharp intake of breathe, confused on where this heat is coming from. It wasn’t very near but he could tell that it was very strong.
But . . . how can I tell? He thought, very confused.
His confusion only made the heat more annoying and unbearable. He became very clammy and his hair was matted in sweat, despite the cold weather.
Melana could feel Peter heating up.
“Are you okay?”Melana asked.
“So . . . hot,”Peter said, fighting to keep his eyes open.
Immediately, Melana knew something was wrong and sped past Elysie.
“What are you doing?”Elysie yelled.
Melana couldn’t reply, all she knew was to get to the base. Peter could slowly feel the heat reside and the cold come back in as they sped farther up the peak.
What was that? He thought.
Peter limply held on to Melana as they neared a sealed automobile door. Melana turned around and helped Peter sit near the rock wall. He shivered slightly but didn’t care after a while.
Soon enough, the team caught up.
I pushed my bike to the limit when I saw Melana speed off with a unresponsive Peter
“What’s wrong?”I asked as I halted my bike when I was in the entrance. Soon enough, Chelsie and Allan’s bike halted after me.
“I don’t know. Peter got really hot even though it was super cold,”Melana said.
“Is he still hot?”I asked as I walked over to her.
“Not anymore.”
I paced around a little.
What if that heat was heat from starstuff? But, only a Watcher can sense that. None of us experienced any extreme heat . . . except him.
“Let’s just get inside,”I said.
Allan and I walked up to the door and typed in the code written on the blueprints. The doors slide open to reveal a dimly lit hallway with a door at the other end. We walked up to the door and typed in another code. We heard a low hum as the doors opened. The room lit up with monitor and controls of the entire island.
A dome of security.
We all walked around in amazement.
Melana and Chelsie helped Peter sit down in one of the chairs.
“Wow,” he muttered, also in amazement.
“Yes. But before we move on, what happened back there?”I asked, kneeling in front of Peter.
His eyes flashed with fear and confusion.
“I really don’t know. Once we were at mid peak, there was a rush of heat that felt so unreal,”he explained.
Then he looked at me, hands shaking. “Elysie, what’s wrong with me? The flying, dreams, and heat . . . what’s happening to me? I feel like you know more about it then I do.”
I sighed and looked at the ground. I glanced to the other agents.
They need to know too.
“I will tell you the truth,”I said, looking Peter straight into the eyes, as if those eyes didn’t bore a hole into my soul already.
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