Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Chapter 6: Da Da Daa! We're Dead.

Peter, Allan, and Bobby were amazed of how great flying was. 
It took Allan and Bobby a while to get used to it but Peter, strangely, was pretty good at it. 
Paul and Asia swooped down to a nice apartment complex. They stopped at a window and saw a group of men about Mr.Haddock’s age and one girl that Peter and Allan recognized.
“Is that Elysie Pan?”Allan asked.
“I think so,”Peter said.
They listened in about the radio of the Others, which shocked Paul because his dad never told him about it. Then Elysie started talking about the Skeleton, which created a harsh atmosphere in the room.
“Do you know what they are talking about?”Peter asked Paul.
“No idea. My dad doesn’t tell me anything about what they discuss in their meetings,”Paul replied.
Then Bobby started whimpering loudly in panic as he slowly descended to the ground. 
Then Allan, Paul, and Asia started descending too. Allan tried to grab the windows but missed it and slammed into the building. 
Peter swooped down and carried Allan to the rest of the group.
“Thanks,”Allan said, guilty that he may have alerted the meeting.
“Why are you still flying?”Allan asked,
Peter noticed that he wasn’t descending at all. 
I don’t know, it haven’t wore off yet,”Peter said, swooping around in the air.
“Strange,”Paul said. 
Then his eyes widened in fear when he looked up at the window. Their dad and a couple more guys were staring down at them.
“Da da daa! We’re dead,”Paul said sarcastically, throwing his hand up in the air.

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