Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Chapter 3: Starcatcher Meeting

Unfortunately, my day didn’t go as planned. 
I spent an entire day in the gym working out that I never got near the Director to ask. 
I rode my bike all the way home because my dad was holding another one of his meetings with the Starcatchers 
Ever since the trip to Neverland, he has been holding their tri-monthly meetings at our apartment. I would usually ignore them but now my dad wants me to be a Starcatcher in-training, whatever that was. 
I walked through the door when I heard someone say,”Jon, you got to believe me. The Others are going to make a move.”
That sparked my interest. I slowly walked towards the living room when I heard my dad say,”Calvin, we can’t go all out on this hunch. How do you know if they are even Others?”
“The voice was a rasp.”
The room fell silent. I walked a little too loudly and I swear, they jumped from their seats. 
I just smiled sheepishly,”Hi . . .”
“Elysie, how many times do I have to tell you to change after gym practice, especially today,”my dad said. 
I looked down and I was wearing a gymnastics leo with sweats.
“Hehe . . . sorry about that. I think I will go change,”I said, a little embarrassed. 
My dad smiled and nodded. 
I quickly ran to my room and changed into a nice pair of jeans and a maroon sweater. As I walked in, I noticed there was another addition in the group.
I took a seat and asked,”Do we have a new Starcatcher?”
“Actually, he has been a Starcatcher for a while now,”my dad said. 
“So you must be Elysea?”the Starcatcher asked. 
“Elysie, please call me Elysie,”I corrected. 
“Okay. My name is Calvin Haddock,”he said.
“Calvin hasn’t been able to come to our meetings that often because he lives on a island . . uh where?” my dad asked. 
“Berk. It’s north of Scotland . . . it’s hard to say how many miles. But let me tell you, transportation is awful. No one lives there except me and my kids,”Calvin replied. 
“Why do you live there?”I asked.
“To protect a starstuff source on the island. It is hidden in the inner parts of the island, but we are currently looking for it’s direct location. According to Jiang Chen Pan, it is a very large quantity. Large enough to cause mass destruction. I offered to search and protect it but now I am second guessing . . .,”he said, eyeing my uncle, Mike Pan. 
“Well . . . I promised to visit him every two weeks but life got busy,”Uncle Mike said. 
“Yes, but he is a good protector. And you have two kids?”Jon said.
“Yes, Paul and Asia. Paul is seven and Asia is four. Both really young but they enjoy the life of being Starcatcher apprentices. Sadly, my wife died when Asia was born . . .,”Calvin said, his face in a grimace when he mentioned his wife. 
Wanting to change the subject, I said,”So . . . what is this ‘rasp’?”
The room’s chatter went silent. 
“Well, I was working with Paul and Asia in the room when I heard his ‘invented’ radio. It was crackling a lot so I thought it was broken but it actually picked up a radiowave. I played along and decided to listen to it. The voice was a ghostly rasp and it said, ‘Summon shadow guards. Meet at sea at 6-1-0-14’. That’s when I knew they were planning an attack, somewhere at sea but I don’t know where,”Calvin said. 
“It’s the Skeleton. Only his voice rasps,”I clarified. 
“Didn’t you kill him with the starstuff?”Uncle Mike asked.
“I think I killed him and Ombra, but they didn’t die. They may have . . . regenerated,”I replied. 

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