I tied the last knot to keep out boat on the ancient dock. We all had to put on our coats since the temperature dropped dramatically after we enter Berk waters.
The first sign.
I took out my sniper and Chelsie did the same.
“Do . . . do we get one?”Allan asked.
I nodded and tossed both boys a couple. Their faces broke out in grins as they played with the guns in their hands. Probably excited to use a weapon since the juniors at JUSS just train.
I really don’t blame them. Training is boring.
We slowly walked into the abandoned village area. Most of the buildings were worn away: rotted wood, cracks, and broken windows. The village seemed to be from the Viking era since there was a forge filled with trashed weapons and dragon gargoyles. Allan tried to grab one of the weapons but I snapped at him.
I couldn’t help but shake the feeling that we were being watched. Specifically by the Others.
“So, their home is on top of the hill. Commonly known as the Chieftain house since the chiefs used to live there,”I directed.
We walked up the hill and arrived at the steps of the home that seems more refurbished then the rest. I slowly opened the door, its creaks echoing through the silent home.
Once we got inside, we saw furniture thrown about, plates broke, and stuff thrown everywhere.
“An ambush?”Allan whispered.
“Yea,”I murmured back.
I looked around, trying to find any clues of where they went. Apparently shadows don’t leave any evidence. But I am not going to explain it to the newbies.
“Search the upstairs,”I commanded.
Chelsie lead the way as we walked upstairs to the two rooms. The first room to our right seemed to be Mr.Haddock’s room. We searched throughout his entire room for any clues.
“Wait! I found something,”Allan said.
I walked over to Allan as he held a coffee stained notebook.
“Inside, it explains where the base is and how to get there. Lots of blue prints though,” he continued.
“Great job,”I said.
“Umm, I don’t know if this is going to help but there are some interesting things in the kid’s room,”Peter shouted from the other room.
“He already searched it?‘Chelsie said, surprised that Peter checked there without orders.
“Deal with it,”I said.
We walked into the room and saw Peter next to an open floorboard next to one of the beds.
“What did you find?”I asked.
Peter pulled out a large book, a ancient piece of some sort of faded red fabric, and a ancient notebook.
“What’s this?”
We opened the book and notebook and all it read in sticks.
“Old Norse. Haha, the only language we never learned,”Chelsie commented.
“This book is the Book of Dragons according to Asia. She told me that Berk used to be inhabited by dragons,”Peter said.
He nodded and flipped to a page with a black dragon and a boy.
“The writer of this book is a young viking who I forgot the name of. He trained the dragons and brought peace. It is said that he is one of the most famous chieftain of Berk.”
“Wait . . . you don’t mean,”Allan started then pointed to the pictures of the viking boy pressing his palm on the dragon’s snout,”that this boy is Hiccup and the dragon is Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon.”
“No stickin’ way,”Chelsie and Peter said.
“The movie,”I questioned.
“Yes. This means that this red thing is Toothless’s tail and the notebook is Hiccup’s”Allan said.
“Unbelievable,”Chelsie kept sayinf.
“Snap out of it,”I said.
I took the notebook from Peter and opened it. It had many drawings and a lot of writing. I took out my phone which had a sight translator.
“When did you get that?”Chelsie asked.
“ A month ago. Don’t have it? Too bad,”I teased.
The pages mostly read about information of dragons and ‘flight training’. The last few pages caught my eye. And strangely, it was in really horrible English handwriting.
It read - Mission: Stuff.
I read it aloud to the team:
I was told not to journal about this but I feel like I really should.
The stuff is located where the forbidden happened.
Beneath the picture, under the stars.
*Gosh I sound like Hamish the Second*
“A riddle? Hiccup left us a stupid riddle? Why can’t he write like, clear instructions? Did he train people with riddles?”Chelsie complained.
“Cool it, we will figure it out somehow,”I said.
“The forbidden. If we find out where that is, we are good,”Peter said.
There was a moment of silence.
“The cove,”Chelsie said.
“What?”I asked.
“Hiccup made a forbidden friendship with Toothless in a place known as the cove. And the picture must be the picture he drew with Toothless.”
“What about the star?”Allan asked.
“Sign of the Starcatcher. This sign usually leads to . . . starstuff. Which means that Hiccup somehow had connections with the Starcatchers to obtain the starstuff,”I concluded.
Everyone looked shocked.
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