The team decided to rest the night at the Haddock’s house, planned to set out first thing to the security base.
Peter kept his tossing and turning on a shark mattress that he was forced to sleep on.
How was this considered as comfortable?
He couldn’t stop thinking about the evens that happened today. Apparently his gut feeling was right. Somehow, the Starcatchers are in this mission and from his dreams, he can’t help but know that he will play a big role. He knows the Others took the Haddocks because there were no signs of break in.
Which Others are we up against? Peter thought to himself as he slowly let himself fall into a deep sleep.
He remembered Wendy’s words. Leave us behind if you have to. Just don’t let him get the stone.
He started to crawl back the way back he and others had come, away from the struggle. Slowly, he rose to his feet and shuffled forward, feeling for the wall in the utter blackness. Behind him the shouts continued. He heard Wendy scream. And then an odd sound, a deep rumbling, then a fearsome roar. The sounds of struggle increased, a confusing mix of shouting and banging. Peter listened for a minute, paralyzed, then again started shuffling away from the noise.
Tink’s urgent chime was right in his ear. Peter froze.
Close your eyes.
Knowing what was coming, Peter shut his eyes tight. Through his eyelids he saw the brilliant flash. He opened them just as the flash ended, and saw the reason for Tink’s alarm.
The hooded man was in front of him, not even three feet away. His back to Peter.
Either he had been looking the wrong way, or he had somehow known that the flash was coming. It had not blinded him.
He was turning around . . . as the last of Tink’s light faded, Peter saw the gaping hole where a mouth should have been, the empty socket, the lone yellow eye . . .
The claw-hand reaching out . . .
Peter screamed and turned. In the blackness, he stumbled away from the hideous thing,
“Peter,” she said
He didn’t move.
“We’re going to need you tonight,” she said.
His head snapped up. His eyes red, his face tear-streaked.
“Why?” he said. “So I can fail again?”
“Peter, it wasn’t your fault. That man, or that thing, whatever it was, would have been too much for any of us.”
“I ran away, Wendy. I left the stone. I left Tink. I left Tink. Because I am afraid of him. I am afraid of him.”
Peter screamed, and it wasn’t a quiet one. He gripped the sides of the shark mattress as he tried to ease the entire dream away.
But all he could think of is the hooded figure. That figure who scared the wits out of him, even in his dream
“Peter?” called out a familiar voice. Though Peter still flinched like he was about to run.
“Woah, woah, dude, I’m no ghost,”Allan joked.
“Oh, it’s just you,”Peter panted.
“Wow, that’s hurtful,”Allan said, then noticed Peter’s odd behavior. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh nothing. Just a nightmare. Just a normal nightmare,”Peter said, mostly to himself.
“Ah, I see,”Allan said. “Yea, this place does give you the creeps.”
Peter just nervously laughed.
“Well, get some sleep. You will need it,”Allan said.
“Yea, night.”
A hooded figure stood at a cliff, waves rumbling below him.
The figure smiled, whatever was left of his smile that it.
“He’s here,”he rasped. “He’s here.”
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